
A Complete Monopoly Sensors Manufacturer

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Company overview
A complete monopoly sensors manufacturer has been split into four competing companies by the government in 2014: Andrews, Baldwin, Chester and Digby, respectively. This report is a description of the reform and operating process of Baldwin.
Several problems are waiting to be solved due to the past monopoly market condition, for instance, mediocre products are dominating the market because consumers had no choices, which is not working in the competition market. The differentiator with product life-cycle business strategy has been implemented by the management team to solve the residual problems. This strategy requires multiple production lines in the mainstream market which include high, traditional and low product segments, The performance and size segments will be abandoned. The small amount of segments coverage will provided the company more resource to produce the market leading products in each of the targeted segments, Those excellent design and fresh products will helps Baldwin to gain a competitive advantage. The management team has also selected Stock price, ROA and asset turnover as the successful measures of the company for a short run of 7 years. The actual performance of Baldwin is unstable during the 7 years operating ,which can be divided into three major stages according to the movement of its stock price: development stage (2014-2016), disaster period (2016-2019) and Steady rise(2019-2021). Several Inaccuracy estimates and strategy

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