
A List Of Meals In Hispanic Culture

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Meals in the U.S.

Breakfast - is around the times 7am-11am the meal that's is eaten around that time is; eggs, bacon, and pancakes with milk or orange juice on the side as a drink. people are sometimes in a rush to go to school or work so they might just have; cereal, tea or coffee.

Lunch ~ is around the times 12pm-3pm this is a light meat that is a sandwich, a hot dog, and salad with a drink on the side.’

Snack~ this snack is eaten between 4pm-6pm you may eat; fruit, yogurt, chips, or just have a drink of water.

Dinner~ is around the times 7 pm or 9 pm and this is the main meal of the whole day you might have rice, chicken, vegetables with a drink or soup.

Meals in Hispanic cultures breakfast ~ started the morning with breakfast, consisting

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