
A Love Story : Finding My Twin Brother

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Finding My Twin Brother
The following content is not a love story about how I found my twin brother, and how we bonded. This is the story of when I looked for something I did not want to find, someone so dark, filled with hate, and determination to ruin my life. Some secrets are best kept hidden; One always think that the truth will always protect us, however, sometimes knowing the truth can kill us, and perhaps this is the reason why my parents did not want me to know. My parents always told me they loved me, so, I had no clue why they did not want me to find him.
I had a perfect life, had loving parents, loving friends, money, and even a golden retriever called max, who was my best friend. However, it was only a couple of years ago when we became rich, my hard-working dad decided he would invest all his money in a solar energy company which ended up growing, and became into a million-dollar empire. I mean what else could I ask for, I had it all. Well maybe not all, I always wanted a brother, and every time I told my parents they just seem to get angry and shut me out. This always made me curious, why would they get so mad, I mean perhaps, they could not have any kids, or maybe my mother had a miscarriage, Something I thought I would never know.
It was the first Sunday of December morning when my father asked me to take some boxes to the basement, I had never been down there, as a kid I always thought it was scary, but know as a 19-year-old guy, how could I say no. I went downstairs with a couple of boxes, but could not find any place to put them. The area was a mess, so I decided that I would organize every box that was there. While I was organizing, I notice this one box hidden in the back, so, I decided to open it. Inside the box, there was a newspaper and a couple of burnt pictures. Therefore, I decided to read the article, I could not understand much, it was an 18 years old newspaper, but it talked about a burning house with two twin babies, It said that one had been saved with no harm while the other one was rescued later on with severe burn mark. It was a miracle that other baby had survived, they called him miracle Carlos, and his brother Richard. I stood there for a second before my brain processed

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