
A Marxist Understanding Of Society

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This essay will give a thorough account of a Marxist understanding of society and what this understanding contributed to criminological theory. To truly grasp a Marxist understanding of society the essay will firstly look at the development of Marx’s work, then draw conclusions on his main era that surrounded crime and law, known as the Historical Materialism era. The essay will then look at how these conclusions relate to crime. Five different theorists work, who use Marxist ideology as their main school of thought, will then be looked at. First the essay will look at Willem Bonger and explore his contributions, making note of his ability to connect the links between capitalism and a patriarchal society. Secondly ‘The New Criminology’ by …show more content…

Marx’s concept of alienation was elaborated on greatly in his Feuerbachian period through his manuscripts, however, it is hard to draw theories and ideologies on crime and law from this period of work as it was not a main point of attraction for Marx. As Marx moved into his Historical Materialism period, with the help of Engels, their positions on crime and law become much clearer and it was around this era Marx moved from a natural human rights outlook on society to a more rationalist egalitarianism outlook (Taylor, Walton and Young, 1975). When looking at Marx writings and relating them to the discipline of criminology, two aspects that stand out are; firstly Marx did not devote his time to writing about crime and law therefore only several aspects of his writing on capitalism can be related to the field of criminology, secondly is the fact that an individual in society will always be defined by their position in the mode of production. This means that both the means of production and the individuals position in the means of production, worker or owner, are important factors that define the way in which their lives are led and experienced. When looking at capitalist societies there is a tendency for them to be the most violent types of societies with considerable amounts of crime. There is a clear visible division between those who own the

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