
AI Advantages And Disadvantages

Decent Essays

I believe that the benefits of developing full AI outweigh the dangers, as long as AI is developed as an addition to human thinking rather than a replacement. Through the process of developing AI, scientists can learn more about how human cognition works. Right now, the scientific community does not fully understand intelligence, learning or consciousness. To build a fully operational AI computer programmers either need to understand all aspects of intelligence and put them together in one place or design a machine that can learn. Cog the robot is an example of the latter. Cog’s researchers have discovered how difficult it is for a machine to learn like a human. Although the Cog project ended in 2003, Cog possessed about as much knowledge as a 6-month-old baby. AI critics call out the safety hazards that AI may create, but I would like to point out that AI could actually increase safety. Take self-driving cars for example. Roughly a thousand Canadians are killed in impaired driving accidents each year, with many more sustaining injuries from these accidents. Self-driving cars would, for all intents and purposes, eliminate this issue. A computer cannot consume alcohol or drugs, so it cannot become impaired. If you implement automated vehicles, there will be a significant reduction in the number of car crashes. The cars can communicate with one another, so every one will know what the others are doing, therefore it would be difficult for the cars to crash into each other.

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