
What Is 122-4210 Career Profile

Decent Essays

Nathan Crews
Mrs. Jones
ACA 122-4210
Career Profile Assignment
Part One – Self-Assessments
Based on the Jung Typology Test my 4-letter “type” is: E (1%) N (56%) T (1%) J (16%)
Based on the Interest Profiler my top TWO interest areas are:
1. Marginal preference of intuition over sensing
2. The others seem to be relatively even.
THREE careers that match my interest are:
1. Aerospace Engineering
2. Philosophy
3. Business
The career that I am most interested in learning more about is:
Aerospace Engineering
Part Two – Research
Aerospace Engineering is a subset of Mechanical engineering focusing on aerospace technologies. Aerospace engineers require at least a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering, or a related engineering field. Nationally …show more content…

The interest profiler returned a result of Investigative (27) and Realistic (7); the work interest sorter returned a priority for achievement and relationships. These relate well to many careers in science and engineering, but aerospace engineering is the career I am pursuing. I agree with the results as, after many years of practicing mindfulness and efficiency in all things, I know myself very well. Aerospace engineering is my dream career. I have always been fascinated with space and the future of the human race, and when I was younger I had wanted to be an astronaut. Today, my interest in this field is mainly to ensure the survival of humanity in the face of any potential extinction event. Sustainability practices necessary for survival in such a hostile environment as space could be applied to many situations here on earth. As well, a sustainable colony on another world in our star system could prevent the extinction of mankind if earth were to become uninhabitable due to unforeseen events. This is all hypothetical, of course, but precautions must be taken to preserve our culture and our

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