
Aboriginal People In Canada

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The residential school era would be one of the most detrimental periods for aboriginal since first contact in 1492. The assimilation of aboriginals into the western culture is seen as one of the most colonial events in human history, and the legacy it’s left behind has left a people robbed of both tangible and intangible features of aboriginal culture. During this time, young aboriginal children were taken from homes and placed in overnight schools, where they would be stripped of their religion and culture, and be forced to adapt into North American European society. They would be taught the ways of Christianity, which according to European settlers as the “true faith, and only faith”, abandoning their Native American roots, in both religion …show more content…

“The origins of alcohol abuse can be found in early Canadian history with the introduction of liquor by European fur traders in the early 17th century. Prior to this, drunkenness and violence were virtually unknown to Aboriginal people who had a very low incidence of violence in their own communities.” (Deborah, Chansonneuve. “Adaptive behaviours among aboriginal Peoples in Canada.” Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2007) this would be the beginning of native genetic predisposition to consuming larger amounts of alcohol with the correct stressors. As settlers introduced the residential schools two centuries later in attempt to assimilate indigenous culture, this would lead so much post dramatic stress and depression. Young aboriginal children, would be taken from their homes, and brought to schools across Canada and the U.S., turning into property of the government. Conditions of residential schools would be treacherous, as many schools had unsanitary and unsafe living quarters, which played a large roll in the many casualties at the hands of the government. Any child who lived there would be given poor quality meals, ripped clothing, and daily verbal and physical abuse would be a part of everyday life. From these traumatic experiences that would endure for three centuries, this would leave many young aboriginal minds in states of hurt and oppression, which would lead to addiction to substances in order to cop from such horrific

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