
Aboriginal People Of Canada

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Aboriginal peoples of Canada have suffered exponentially throughout the entirety of history and proceed to do so in modern society. Much of the continued suffrage of aboriginal peoples is as a result of the Sixties Scoop and the Residential School System, as well as the lack of resources available to them. This has wreaked extensive havoc on the mental health of Aboriginal peoples, and has left excessive amounts of stigma and racism attached to Aboriginal Peoples, explicitly seen in the cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women. The effects that have been left on the aboriginal peoples by their experiences throughout history have had a profound effect on their quality of life. Many continue to experience immense struggle in the areas of mental health and addictions. The sixties scoop saw the removal of thousands of aboriginal children from their homes, leaving them without any of the traditions they had come to know. This led to a feeling of great confusion as to who they were, especially during some of the most crucial years of development. As is outlined in the story of one such child, Lynn Thompson, who stated in an interview with the Saskatchewan Sage, Like many of the children in my situation, I was abused, eventually ended up settled in a German Mennonite community in Manitoba, where I shot myself. I would have given anything to be in a residential school, to have other brown faces around. Further on in the interview, Lynn’s experiences with substance

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