
Activity 4: Postsecondary Opportunities

Satisfactory Essays

Sept 10/15 Justin Lyn
Unit 1: Topics in Computer Science
Activity 4: Postsecondary Opportunities

1) Computer Career: Penetration Tester (Pen Tester or Ethical Hacker)
• A pen tester is someone who attempts to exploit security vulnerabilities in web-based applications, networks, as well as systems. Pen testers must conduct physical assessments of servers and network devices, design and make new penetration tools and tests, and work on improvements and find new ways to improve security services, including numerous enhancements to different systems.
• Pen testers usually work in an office or building however they are able to work at home due …show more content…

• Pen testers are usually employed by any company with a website, who produce electronics such as smartphones, tablets and computers, or even create security programs. Pretty much every company can higher a pen tester to make sure that their website or products are not easily hacked by cyber attacks or any other means. Especially with the increase in technology and the digitization of everything, pen testers are needed even more than before with the internet becoming an information haven.
• Career advancements are possible as a pen tester. By working for many years and gaining more and more experience promotions and higher level positions are opened which will bring in an even larger salary. Moreover, the possibility of moving on to a more prestige position at a different company is also another possibility for testers who are highly regarded and experienced.
• There aren't many different prospects available for someone who is interested in becoming a pen tester. However, due to the education one retains in hope of becoming a pen tester other job opportunities are available in the same field of work such as: o Computer

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