
Advantages Of Agritourism

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Agritourism Activity - Domestic Zoo
The idea of agritourism urges guests to experience agricultural life at first hand. Agritourism is gathering strong backing from little groups as rural people have realised the advantages of sustainable development achieved by similar types of nature travel. Visitors have the chance to work in the fields alongside real farmers and wade knee-somewhere down in the ocean with fisherman pulling in their nets. Agritourism incorporates a wide assortment of activities, including including buying produce direct from a farm stand, staying on a farm,domestic zoo, etc. A domestic zoo is a private zoo (place for keeping, feeding and looking after animals) which is run by a person or a group of persons because they are animal fanciers and they are fond of animals.
What is Domestic Zoo ?
A domestic zoo is a private zoo (place for keeping, …show more content…

• Hire a maintenance worker to mend fences and pick up trash.
• Buy the food for animals.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Domestic Zoo


• To begin with,domestc animals decrease stress. By overview by Mindlab International, individuals will be more casual subsequent to investing energy with their domestic animals.
• Pets help people with serious sickness. A few doctors have found that pets can motivate patients with genuine sickness .
• Pets influence owner's wellbeing. Kids grown up with cats and dogs have less danger of sensitivities and asthma.
• Cats also lower risk of heart attack by reducing stress and anxiety.
• Dogs can either bring down pulse and cholesterol or help people lose their weight.


• Domestic zoo costs cash. The owner needs to pay for the food bills, grooming costs, accessories, zoo maintenance and so forth.
• Then, animals can be destructive. Animals can attack the zoo keeper.
• Next, animals carry health risk for some people. Allergy-prone family should reconsider about having domestic zoo.

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