
Aftercare Intervention Model

Decent Essays

Successful implementation of change in any organization requires motivating, supporting, and guiding people (Yuki, 2013). This change process is a strategic change at the group level, as it relates to the internal operations, and the services we provide in my Aftercare program. It allows our program to make the required changes deemed necessary to our clients and the communities. This include our format of early client engagement, before the youth transitions from Non-Secured Placement (NSP), and back into to the community. It also includes the quality of services they receive in the homes and community, up until termination of the case. Working in conjunction with our funder the New York City Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) …show more content…

In the unfreezing phase, awareness needed to be created of the status quo, or current level of acceptability, as a hindrance to not only the client, but the success of the program. Our old behaviors, ways of thinking, processes, were all carefully examined to understand the necessity for …show more content…

This is where we presently at. The more prepared we are, the easier it would be to execute; therefore we are having a lot more communication, training, and support from our leaders, as we become familiar with the change. This ultimately will remind us of the reasons for the change, and once fully implemented how it will benefit the clients. The final stage of the model is the refreezing phase, where the new approach is implemented stabilized and established. It will be accepted as the new norm or status quo, ensuring that people do not revert back to the old ways of thinking or doing. All of the three phases are important for successful change. The resistance to change and the efforts to implement such is a major reason changes in any organization are unsuccessful (Yuri, 3013). With our Aftercare program we believe that the change is necessary and will be

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