
How Lewin 's Model Is Still Applicable Today 's Change Management World

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In addition, Lewin recognized that change is almost always met with resistance. More importantly, he identified the behaviors and environments that stimulate resistance. Thus, careful consideration of behavioral and environmental impacts must occur in the Unfreezing stage of Lewin’s Unfreezing-Changing-Refreezing Model prior to implementing the change. This will prepare the leaders of the organization to meet the resistance with the correct leadership and management style.
Validity of Lewin’s Model in the Present Over 60 years have passed since Kurt Lewin introduced his Unfreezing-Changing-Refreezing Model. His model is often considered invalid due to the specific beginning, middle, and end of his model. Today, change is continuous and fluid which critics have argued is not recognized by Lewin’s model. However, the following paragraphs will examine how Lewin’s Model is still applicable in today’s change management world. First, Lewin stated that in the Unfreezing stage clear communication must be provided which is still valid today. The communication must include a sense of urgency and help employees understand why the change is needed. In order for change to occur, employees must be prepared for the change. They must also feel that their position is secure and that they will receive support from all levels through the implementation of the change. Additionally, employees should be a part of the change process to ensure they still feel empowered within the organization.

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