
Characters in The video Who Moved my cheese?

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1. Explain the personalities of Hem, Haw, Sniff and Scurry? Explain why they behave the way they do. The video, “Who moved my cheese?” encompasses four characters entering the maze in search of cheese. Sniff and Scurry are both proactive as they measure the condition of the cheese and keep their running shoes around their necks instead of throwing them aside after they have found the first cheese station. This proves that they have expected some changes in the future, and they are prepared to face all kinds of situations. The mice intend to commit more time to running and searching for new cheese rather than planning, thinking and analyzing the situation before initiating the search. However, their spontaneity saves them time and leads …show more content…

Conversely, Haw is an optimistic character who anticipates and accepts change. After resisting change in the first phase together with Hem, he decides to follow his instincts and venture into the maze alone. Along with his adventures, he writes his experiences and observations on the walls expressing his values and beliefs as they undergo change. Most importantly, he has set himself a goal and continually visualizes success. This way it is easier for Haw to learn from his mistakes and persevere to achieve the expected goal which is to find the new cheese station. 2. How can we use Kurt Lewin’s change model, to explain and analyse the differences we perceive between Hem & Haw, and Sniff & Scurry. According to Kurt Lewin’s change model (1947), there are three aspects of managing organizational change: unfreezing, change intervention and refreezing. By observing the change model, all four characters are seen to go through the freezing stage when they found the first cheese station. It further observed that although every character undergoes the freezing stage, the mice are proactive and always readying themselves for an imminent change. On the other hand, the humans assume that the resources will remain forever and were comfortable with their current situation. They are also blissfully unaware of the significant daily reduction in cheese levels. Furthermore, Hem resists change although Haw persuades him

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