
Process Of Ageing Essay

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In a longitudinal study in 2008 carried out by the National Institute of Ageing (NIA) in America, it has been suggested that, “no single chronical timetable of human aging exists: we all age differently and in terms of change and development, there are more differences among older people than among younger people. Genetics, lifestyle and diseases, all affect the rate of ageing between all individuals” This suggests that growth and development of younger people are more closely related to age than the ageing process of older people. (Carlson, Buskist and Martin, (2000) No single description of adult development will fit everyone. This written report will examine the process of ageing by looking at physical, psychological and social processes in the ageing population. Prior to that there will a brief illustration of population changes using graphs from the UK and global statistics. Graphs are often used by Health and Social Care strategists or Gerontologists so that they can predict and plan for, the future needs of older people within the population. Although the physical aspect of ageing will be looked at separately the psychological and social aspects are intertwined and will be looked at together, since these two aspects have a significant impact on each other. For example, where a person lives, might impact on a person’s physical ageing process. ‘Older age’ is a stage of life which is known as older adulthood and it is the final stage of life, beginning

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