
Aheo Case Study

Decent Essays

HR Directors meeting:
Planning phase: CDO prepares hiring/search plan and sits down with the hiring manager. They discuss who is on the search committee, outreach etc.
Anne said that for aheo and HEa searches the amount of search committee members could be 3.
Question: Is it fair to have a candidate interview via skype while others were able to fly in? This person said that they felt that the amount of resources available to bring candidates to the campus should be on the plan.
Comment: Will there be resources to bring in people from outside the state? This should be discussed with the hiring manager when creating the hiring plan.
Question: What challenges do CDO’s faced on searches?
Comment: One person stated that search committee …show more content…

Most Anthropology departments will put a date where preference will be given to early applicants, but the posting is still until filled. Can you still certify a pool with an initial cutoff date?
Jean Hostos: Start plan phase in August and then closes October/November. She said there’s a problem if the post is extended to go into the holiday season. She said it is already hard to get people to serve on the committee.
Comment: She said that people who join should be committed to be part of the committee.
Jean Hostos: She said she can’t make people come in a few days before Thanksgiving to review resumes.
Comment: People still have access to CUNYfirst to review these CVs online and these people still have an obligation to participate.
Comment: Concern with outreach. Can she ask faculty members to reach out to people who are going to graduate with their PHD. Can this occur in the 30 to 60 day period or before? No answer.
Charging the Search Committee
The CDO should charge before the position closes so committee members can participate in outreach and have them do early scheduling.
Question: Hiring manager ask why do they need to be in the charge if they have been in one the previous …show more content…

Almost no one had the search committee looking for the minimum requirements. There might be a problem in terms of the experience waiver.
Ella: They look at the job description/org chart and the screening questions. Why can’t we have a 90 positing starting from mid-August.
Interviewing and Selection:
Candidate and interviews need to be tracked in TAM. Anne has a list of disposition codes that can be shared.
Anne: Reference checks can be done before selecting finalist. We can use Degreeverify to conduct credential checking.
Alternate plan: A professional recruiter will replace the search committee and some of the CDO roles for lower position aHEO and HEa. This plan has not been implemented but may happen in the future.
Michael: Said that the recruiter might be more efficient but bias. He said the committee is there to stop bias.
Arlene?: The CDO will still certify the pool and there is a lot of diversity among the lower appointments.
ORD needs to know the human and financial resources of the CDO office if it were to move to this model.
We probably will not be able to use the recruiter for faculty searches since search committee members need to look at publications and are more involved in the

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