
Air Pollution Essay

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Growing up with busy parents lead me to look forward to car rides. I remember that I would rush to the car in pure excitement, so that I could view the beautiful skies dashing passed me as I talk to my parents. It did not matter where we would go as long as I got to be in the car with my family. Music peacefully played in the background as the sun set and my eyes would grow heavy, then I would soon be sound asleep. It was not until recently, when I visited New York City, that I fully awoke to the harsh reality of automobiles. My memory of the once magnificent skies in Oklahoma darkened by smog I witnessed in New York City and the music could no longer be heard over the loud noises of destruction.
Motorized vehicles, such as cars, trucks, and semis, provide reliable transportation daily to millions of people; however, automobiles emit dangerous gasses, such as carbon dioxide, that contribute to air pollution. As the population continues to grow and the amount of car users increases, air pollution becomes a bigger concern. Air pollution from automobiles remarkably changes weather patterns, increase health risk, and assists to the overall destruction of our planet’s environment.
To understand how automobiles contribute to air pollution, it is important to understand that automobiles require fossil fuels, such as gasoline and diesel. Within the engine of automobiles, fossil fuels are burned to provide energy to make the car run. As the fossil fuels burn, several gases like

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