
Alcohol Effect On Fetus Essay

Decent Essays

The Effects Alcohol Can Do to your Fetus

Psychoactive drugs can not only act on the nervous system, but it can also change your moods and modify perceptions (Santrock). Psychoactive drugs can range from consuming caffeine products to taking methamphetamine; but alcohol can be devastating on the mother’s offspring. Alcohol can cause abnormalities, disabilities, and deformities to the fetus when the mother consumes a heavy amount of alcohol. Any form of alcohol can leave a bad affect on the fetus, but it will not get better throughout the child’s life. Before getting into detail, the first major factor apart of this problem is FASD. The textbook definition of FASD is,“ Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a cluster of abnormalities and problems that appears in the offspring of mothers who drink alcohol heavily during pregnancy”(Santrock). This disorder causes some abnormal facial and body characteristics such as: a smooth ridge between the nose and upper lip, small head size, vision or …show more content…

If the mother drinks a lot of alcohol during each time she is pregnant, at least one child or none at all with had FASD (Santrock). When the mother drinks a heavy or light amount of alcohol, it can cause many negative effects to the fetus such as miscarriages and stillbirths. It can also range of lifelong physical, behavioral, and intellectual disabilities (“Alcohol”). Studies show that drinking 1 or 2 servings of alcohol a week will damage the fetus’s development of the brain. Although, drinking small servings a week will not cause FASD. According to the National Institutes of Care and Health Excellence in Great Britain, they have concluded that, “It is safe to consume one to two drinks not more than twice a week during pregnancy”. The U.S. Surgeon General disagrees with that statement because they said, “We recommend that no alcohol be consumed during pregnancy”

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