
The Effects of Alcoholism During Pregnancy Essay

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The Effects of Alcoholism During Pregnancy

The hazardous dangers of alcoholism during pregnancy have been known for decades. However, even with the vast information given to pregnant mothers, with labeled warnings on every alcoholic beverage, pregnant women still continue to pick up the bottle of alcohol, continuing their journey to the destruction of their bodies and the road of dangers for the unborn child. Perhaps every person who has little to no knowledge in health care, are still able to comprehend and recognize the consequences of alcoholism during pregnancy. Although many women are aware that heavy drinking during pregnancy can cause birth defects, many do not realize that moderate-or …show more content…

Take a child who has been born, then goes through the pain of having an abusive parent. If the parents are exposed to the authorities, they will go to jail and lose the rights to the child, and with proper counseling and therapy, the child will live a normal life. Yet, if the child is unborn, the mother can do whatever she would like, even if it means harming the baby, and the authorities can do nothing. When the baby is born, the child might have irreparable brain damage or some physical defect and would not be able to live a normal life for the rest of its life. The abuse that the unborn child goes through is the same as if it was born, but the severity is much greater and nothing can be done. To me, this is child abuse of the worst kind. An unborn child is getting abused with drugs, alcohol, or whatever the mother may be ingesting, and the child is unable to defend itself. If the child was born, it could call someone for help, but an unborn child cannot speak and therefore needs someone to speak for it in case of any danger that might come to it.

The alcoholism during pregnancy epidemic-crisis is real. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause physical and mental birth defects. Each year, more than

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