
Effects Of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure On Motor Development

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Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on Motor Development
This paper explores the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on motor development. With this topic, came many questions. They are: Is every child effected the same amount, or does it depends on how much the mother drank and how much the fetus was exposed to?, Is there anything the mother can do to reverse the effects of exposure, or perhaps lessen the damage on the child?, Is there a safe amount of alcohol that can be consumed without harm?, And lastly, do the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure ever go away? Coles et al. (2015) and Lucas et al. (2016) suggest answers and evidence to these questions. This paper explains what happens when a fetus is exposed to alcohol, and how it …show more content…

The Bayley Scales of Infant Development was chosen as the course for developmental assessment. The study found that nutritional supplements have a possibility of preventing and lessening the damage of PAE in the early stages of pregnancy, known as the pre-recognition period. However, many problems with development were identified later, but were impossible to measure at six months old. This has shown that there might be a possibility to reduce the damage of alcohol on a fetus, it is best to refrain from drinking altogether.
The quality of life for these children is unfortunately not the best. They can have limb, facial, and organ defects, and will have stunted physical growth throughout young adult life. Prenatal exposure can also have a negative effect on motor skills, especially fine motor tasks such as writing and balancing. The disabilities depend on the mother and her drinking habits. The children of heavy drinkers while pregnant, have many more developmental problems than of those whose mother was a light drinker. The most common problems among these children with alcohol exposure are with balance, coordination, and how they are able to play and handle a ball.
In 2016, Lucas et al. formed a study to determine a relationship between gross motor skills, and PAE. This used the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-2) to assess motor performance. Half of the children tested were exposed to risky levels of

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