
Aldi Australia Strategy Case Study

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Claire Creedon 08422991 Laura Ensor Aisling Flynn 08352992 08371687 _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Tutor: Paschal McNeill Gerard Murphy 08660085

We declare that all materials included in this case assignment is the end result of our own work and that due acknowledgement has been given in the bibliography and references to ALL sources be they printed, electronic or personal. All group members contributed equally to this work


Table of Contents

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Appendix 1.1 Appendix 1.2 Appendix 2.1 Appendix 2.2 Appendix 3.1 Appendix 3.2 …show more content…

Residual Efficiency High managerial effectiveness, strong organizational culture, motivated workforce committed to the low cost strategy. Product Design However, shades of grey in the distinction between differentiation and cost-leadership (Bowman, 2008); neither are mutually exclusive (Parnell, 1997). Most successful firms exhibit one or more forms of differentiation, along with forms that are directly associated with cost-leadership (Spanos, Zaralis, & Lioukas, 2004). Such firms are said to be following a combined or . ALDI fits this description because it actually improves the quality stakes and keeps the prices down (Osgeowitsch & Goelz, 2011) and thus is offering superior goods relative to competitors in some cases5. ALDI cost-leadership strategy; by extending its thinking to the . ALDI strives not only value its customers expect and by providing this more effectively than competitors, it strengthens its strategic position in the marketplace value-forsense can act as a form of differentiation. Despite the observation that ALDI -leadership strategy could represent a version of for low cost but also focuses on providing value-oriented customers with products that are offerings. An emphasis on cost-leadership in this

differentiation through superior quality of its commoditized low price products whereas a true differentiation strategy is characterized by the creation of a unique product for which a premium price can be charged. Q. 2. In order to implement a

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