
Alli Carter Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Alli Carter, a senior this year, has been one of EPS’s strongest musical talents; from her impressive YouTube channel with around 10,800 subscribers, to her passion for writing, Alli is someone to watch out for. I sat down with Alli for an interview to talk about milestones along with what advice she had for other students:
1. What inspired you to start singing/playing instruments? Was there a certain age, teacher, or someone you admire that kick started your musical career?
Answer: Singing has always been a part of who I am and who I am as a person. I don’t think there was a particular person or song that made me want to start. Once I started to take my singing more seriously, it really became a part of my identity. As far as instruments, I started playing around 10 years old so …show more content…

So overall, you need to be prepared for the next challenge. By being in the moment and finding balance with your homework/activities, you are able to enjoy your high school experience so much more. I think that is the key to high school, knowing how to manage your time well between fun activities and school work.
5. As for EPS as a whole, what is your favorite memory that you will be taking away at the end of your senior year? Was there a certain class, dance, or experience that made you enjoy EPS more than others?
Answer: My favorite class was Ms. Pike's creative writing which was a perfect balance of my academic strengths and showing me what writing in the real world was like. We would travel to different coffee shops, parks, etc. to write about what we saw, felt, and heard. Writing is my strongest academic strength and creativity is something I am passionate about so it was definitely a class that combined my two interests. This is a class I would highly recommend since it showed me what power writing can have along with being more creative with

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