
Amazing Five : Group Analysis

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Fantastic Five: Group Analysis

Small group communications has taught me so much: how to communicate more effectively, leadership styles, how to work better in group settings, how to overcome conflict and more. Everything I’ve learned in small group communications will assist me in everyday life. I’ve had a collaborative learning community team for this class whose members are: Alessandra Kaufmann, Courtney Raner, Jared Delapiedra and Charise Montgomery. Working with my CLC group has given me a better understanding of group development, norms, and leadership. My CLC team has been effective working together by setting times ahead to work on projects. We’ve been very good about planning and sticking with the plans we’ve made. Also, we sit down and discuss ideas that will fit each project we’ve had to complete, so we have a general idea. As much as our group still worked effectively together, a skill we could improve upon is communication itself. Some of our members lacked adding their input into conversations we’ve had, which in my opinion resulted in some symptoms of groupthink. Groupthink can stem from many factors, one of those factors being group development itself. One of the most commonly known group development processes is Tuckman’s five stages of group development: forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning. During the course of these stages a group will get acquainted with each other, go through the process of expressing their frustration for each other,

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