
America Needs Its Nerds, By Benjamin R. Barber

Decent Essays

Education in America is not as valued nationally as the current culture wants the societies of the world to think. There are occupations that are valued above educators, but our civilization wants to imply that our educational system is well advanced and tries to emphasize that we are a country of well-educated people. Unlike in Leonid Fridman’s “America Needs Its Nerds,” and Benjamin R. Barber’s “America Skips School”. Everywhere in this country we hear the government say how our schools are the future of this country, but if we listen carefully we will hear little in our civilization over education financially and how poverty mixes in with this issue.

The cruelty of the finances in an educator’s salary is a dismal amount compared to most athletes in America today. Like the example that Fridman’s, America Needs its Nerds, gave stating that, “… average professional ballplayers are much more respected and better paid than faculty members of the best universities.” A more in-depth example is a common football player makes millions of dollars where a high school educator makes just over twenty-six thousand annually. There is no way around it as we see it. This is a country of popularity over intelligence. …show more content…

He exclaims how the lack of income effect the education of people in our country which will lead to more young students dropping out and end up becoming in prisoned. Poverty can affect the number of educated citizens in this great nation and will keep it from

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