
Education Empowers, Schooling Stifles Essay

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Education Empowers, Schooling Stifles Education has been the subject of some of the most heated discussions in American history. It is a key point in political platforms. It has been subject to countless attempts at reform, most recently No Child Left Behind and Common Core. Ardent supporters of institutional schools say that schools provide access to quality education that will allow the youth of our country to gain necessary skills to succeed in life. Critics take a far more cynical view. The book Rereading America poses the question, “Does education empower us? Or does it stifle personal growth by squeezing us into prefabricated cultural molds?” The authors of this question miss a key distinction between education and schooling that leaves the answer far from clear-cut. While education empowers, the one-size-fits-all compulsory delivery system is stifling personal growth by squeezing us into prefabricated cultural molds. The dictionary defines “empower” as “to make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.” (“Empower”) This is exactly what education does. Education is a lifelong process that provides the tools necessary to seek out information, interpret and evaluate this information, connect it with other information and, finally, to act on this information in a thoughtful manner. It need not be a formal curriculum to produce results. Science shows that education begins at birth, with babies acting as

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