
American Funding Of Nazi Eugenics

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American Funding of Nazi Eugenics

Eugenics is a complex term that has been studied and discussed internationally and throughout the eras. A basic definition of eugenics is the scientific study of race improvement. The definition is then broken up into two different aspects, positive eugenics and negative eugenics. Positive eugenics is defined as improving a race by focusing on ways to increasing the better population. Incentives are given to those superior races or populations to have children and get married. On the other hand negative eugenics is decreasing the chances of the inferior race or population from having children. This type of negatives eugenics is trying to stop those who are determined on having inferior genes from passing on their inferior traits that would corrupt the population as a whole. The whole study of eugenics is based on the theory that the gene a person is born with determines their outcome in life. Using this theory some scientists are given a way to justify categorizing groups of people into superior or inferior classes based on race. The study of eugenics was discussed around the world having the main powers being in Great Britain, Germany, and the United States.
Nazi Germany is one of the most notorious cases of eugenics being put into practice on a large scale. Before reading The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism & German National Socialism by Stefan Kühl, I knew that Nazi’s used eugenics to justify killing off Jews, handicap

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