
Assignment 2 Eugenics Research Paper

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Assignment 2 v2 The principal of eugenics has been around since Plato, and modern versions of eugenics have been explored by scientist such as Francis Galton. Interested in “improving human stock” via the scientific management of mating, Galton had the goal of creating “better” humans. And while eugenics is often greeted with moral disgust due to its affiliation with certain historical atrocities, such as the Holocaust, it is important to understand that the intention of eugenics isn’t to rid the world of “undesirable” people, but is rather to prevent needless suffering by avoiding specific genetic traits known to cause disease. Although the moral implications of eugenics are broad and contain many possible objections and responses, such as …show more content…

Parents are assumed to want what is best for their children and would likely never wish needless suffering on their children. Additionally, parents are obliged to ensure that their children receive medical treatment if necessary for a disease, and can be charged with negligence if they fail to do so, because failing to acquire treatment causes needless suffering. This same principal can be applied to eugenics by imagining a scenario where one must select an embryo to be implanted for pregnancy. If parents are given the option of two embryos, one that carries genetic markers for a serious disease such as Tay Sachs, and an embryo without that marker, the parents should be obligated to choose the embryo without the Tay Sachs marker; because by willing choosing the embryo with Tay Sachs, they would be effectively subjecting their future child to an incurable, debilitating, and fatal disease, all for the sake of equality and not offending others who were born with Tay Sachs. This is why the argument against eugenics based upon the principal of not offending others is weak. By restricting the option to avoid certain diseases so as to not offend those with that disease, you effectively condemn others to suffer alongside

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