
American Imperialism In South Africa

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South Africa has diamonds and gold. The Boers settled in Africa long before the British came there to colonize. The Boers were Dutch and come over to Africa in 1652. The Boers and the British did not agree with British policies including land and slaves. The Boers had no where to go but north. Which later became known as the Great Trek. When they were heading north they got in fierce battles with the Zulu and many other African groups as they were attempting to take land. The Boers didn't want outsiders coming in when gold was discovered. The Boers did t want any of the people coming to seeks fortune to gain any political rights. People tried to rebel against the Boers and failed. The British were blamed, and the tension was greater than ever. …show more content…

African groups are being split and and mixed together. Some countries who were colonizing wanted to bring their traditions and cultures to the African people. For example, when the French came to Africa they wanted to have direct control of their part of Africa. The French wanted Africans to be like the French. Over time with the French under control Africans would slowly adopt some French traditions. Another example is some Africans lived in smaller tribes and had a tribe leader. When the French came the tribes didn't want to be controlled by the French because that takes away meaning and purpose to have a tribe leader. The French were taking away the leader's power. It was like a tradition to have one person lead the tribe. With all kinds of different countries racing to colonize Africa, Africans were flooded with different cultures, languages, and traditions. Life as the Africans knew it was getting ripped apart and put back together with a bunch of extra pieces (traditions, languages, etc.) within it. It is hard for us Americans to understand what it was like for Africans during this time because the United States of America is filled with different languages, cultural, traditions, and much more. We have never really experienced new people coming and taking over us and our beliefs like Africa. We will never fully be able to understand because America doesn't have one main race or ethnic group. There's two things that any person or nation likes is money or profit, and that is what they had in mind. Africa isn't as industrialized or modern has Europe. Africa also doesn't have any factories. Without factories they can't build guns, or any kind of weapon. The African's only weapon that they had at this time was spears. Spears are no match for any kind of gun. When Africans tried to rebel or go to war with the countries it never worked because they did not have the right kind or weapons or supplies. Another reason why France and Russia sold arms to Ethiopia is

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