
European Imperialism In South Africa

Decent Essays

South Africa’s capital is Cape town and the country itself is about twice the size of Texas which measures out to 471,011square miles.
The country South Africa is located at the very tip of the continent Africa. South Africa is most known for its former president Nelson Mandela, along with its gold reserves, Kruger National Park and minerals and gems. South africa is bordered by Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe. It is also surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho.
¨It is the most highly industrialized amongst the other countries in Africa¨ Not only is it’s nature beautiful but so are it’s people. Although …show more content…

The Europeans had first visited South Africa in the A.D. 1400's.The Europeans had begun to settle in the country permanently during the 1600s. According to Hopkin P. in The Nelson Mandela Bridge “It was said that South Africa had no known existing written history until came the Europeans” In History of South Africa; ¨British colonies Christopher Saunder, writes that in the year 1835, the British government had given the Cape Colony a constitution. Colonists of all races who had passed certain wage or property qualifications could be able to vote for members of the legislature¨ . ¨The British government had granted a similar constitution, to Natal, though this time effectively for whites only in 1856¨ Although South Africa had its downs it also had its ups. ¨The first settlers of South Africa were the Sans, then …show more content…

¨It was recently checked in 2005 that the same eleven languages are still spoken now in South Africa¨ About 80% of South Africa’s populations are christians, the rest are either Hindu, Muslim, Jews, Rastafarians, Buddhists, Confucians and 15% claim to have no religious affiliation. There is no specific culture for the South Africans for everyone one has their own culture and ideas. But there is tradition in this country. When most people think of South Africa they think that it is just a country full of african americans. But it’s not. South Africa is a mix of several different ethnicities and races. There is a race of several different traditions, but doesn't specifically speak for everyone. ¨It is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world¨ . For example one of the traditions that there is, is music. Everyone has their own favorite type of music, but the top three favorites are Jazz, Black Jazz, and Marabi. And a couple others are, Kwaito and Rock and Pop. ¨These are very popular in South America, but there is nothing compared to the the tribal traditions. One of their fascinating

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