
American Protocol Vs Kyoto Protocol

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The Montreal Protocol and the Kyoto Protocol has both established its place in history for climate and environmental enforcement. While the Montreal Protocol provided for a stepping-stone in the history of environmental regulation, its follow-up, the Kyoto Protocol, fell short of the same success. In this particular instance, the difference in types of politics has an imperative effect on the different schemes. The type of politics, client politics, that followed the Montreal Protocol scheme is exhibited in its success while the Kyoto Protocol scheme’s amount of success paled in comparison.
The Montreal Protocol was a large stepping-stone for environmental regulation as it directly targeted the substances that were depleting the ozone layer. …show more content…

Although the Kyoto Protocol had the right intentions with the desire to lower greenhouse gases, however, lowering gas emissions would hinder the economy for many of the nations without a proper substitution or solution. This is a proposal that would not sit well with many of nations; especially since the nations did not all agree climate change. The Kyoto Protocol would produce concentrated costs because lowering gas emissions would affect nations differently, and in addition to that, there would exist a distribution of benefits because not all nations would benefit equally because their polluted atmospheres vary. With a proposal that could hinder the progress of they industry, “both economics and politics deal with problems of scarcity and conflicting preferences” in which nations would rather support the economy than take a risk at an opportunity to help the atmosphere (Wilson 363). The Kyoto Protocol falls under the categorization as entrepreneurial politics where the overall conclusion contains distributed benefits and concentrated …show more content…

The Montreal Protocol was specific in what it desired to eliminate with an area the nations wanted to target. More importantly, the nations also had a common enemy in which everyone agreed upon. It was unmistakable that the ozone depletion was an effect from the chlorofluorocarbons. Overall, the Montreal Protocol had a large enough consensus of what was the problem and what actions were needed. There were distributed costs because of the various nations that were on board with phasing out the chlorofluorocarbons from commercial production and in particular, the aerosol industry. It was a multilateral success story that had its concentrated benefits: decreasing depletion in the ozone and now a poster child for future environmental

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