
An Analysis Of Mccandless In Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer

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In the beginning of the book “Into The Wild” by Krakauer, Krakauer admits that his bias opinion on McCandless will show throughout the book. This could be seen through descriptions the actions of McCandless. Krakauer portrays McCandless as noble due to his description of the decisions and encounters McCandless faces. One way in which Krakauer portrays McCandless as noble is through his decisions. This is where Krakauer judges and brings in bias opinions on the actions McCandless makes. An example of this can be when McCandless was hit by a storm. This can be seen in the line “The water by this time was a chaos of whitecaps that threatened to swamp and capsize his tiny raft….an experience that would later convince him that he could survive on similarly meager rations in the Alaska bush.” This line reveals that McCandless kept being a nomad despite being hit by a storm. Krakauer reveals how noble McCandless is by his diction. This can be revealed in the line “....convinced him that he could survive….” This part of the line reveals that Krakauer sees McCandless as noble due to the fact that the storm only made a good experience from McCandless and pushed him to keep moving on. …show more content…

This is where McCandless makes positive encounters with the people he meets. An example of this can be seen in the line “‘....when i learned what happened, I renounced the Lord….I decided I couldn’t believe in a God who would let something that terrible happen to a boy like Alex.’” This line reveals that positive impact Chris (or Alex) had on Franz. The fact that Krakauer put in this line from Franz reveals the attempt he is making to make McCandless look noble. Krakauer chose this line because it shows that Franz was pushed to make a conversion because Chris was a positive person in his

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