
Analysis Of An American Childhood By Annie Dillard

Decent Essays

Analyzing a Writing Essay

The author of An American Childhood, Annie Dillard, shows a great amount of admiration towards her mother’s personal qualities. Dillard looks up to the intelligence, energy, fascination, and confidence her mother conveys. Admiration does not always include imitation, but shows some kind of interest. Growing up alongside her mother formed her into the person she has become.

The main quality I believe Annie Dillard admires about her mother is her intelligence. Most of the anecdotes written throughout the story were expressing her mother’s intelligence through her quirks. Dillard’s mother brought up reminders of P.T. Barnum’s dictum which was, “You can sell anything to anybody if you marketed it right.” She was also a big believer in own ideas versus using opinions or ideas from others. Towards the end of page 357, “Always I heard Mother’s emotional voice asking Amy and me the same few questions: “Is that your own idea? Or somebody else’s?” When Dillard mentioned “Giant is a good movie” her mother knew that she had not seen the movie and asked “Is that your considered opinion?” Overall, Dillard’s mother wanted her children to be their own person and not try to be somebody else or use ideas from other people all the time. …show more content…

“When shopping with Mother, we got to the head of the checkout line, the checker, always a young man, asked, “Save Stamps?” “No,” Mother replied genially, week after week, “I build model airplanes.” I believe she originated this line. It took me years to determine where the joke lay.” Dillard’s mother was able to change the situation in a single second. She was quick with her jokes. She would reply to questions with answers that were very off

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