
Analysis Of Bill Gates And Paul Allen

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When it comes to the term “revolution” we probably don’t often associate a company like Microsoft for initiating significant changes to our lives or the way we live them. Nonetheless, Bill Gates and his team of “techies” have brought about a revolution of change in the field of technology, particularly the Windows operating system. Microsoft has changed the way we use computers and they have incorporated themselves into nearly every aspect of our lives. We use Microsoft or programs created by them every day without ever thinking of what the world would be like without their technology. Microsoft was founded in 1975 by the iconic Bill Gates and Paul Allen. By 1980, it was clear the Microsoft was a little company with a big dream. It took many years of trial and error for Bill Gates and his team to make Microsoft the company it is today. Over the course of 30 or so years, they have invested trillions of dollars to give us the technology we now possess, and that’s not even including the salaries of their employees. Sure, Microsoft wasn’t an overnight sensation like some companies, but they made a name for themselves by stepping out on a ledge and being the best that they could be. I remember when the Internet became the latest and greatest thing, but that surely didn’t happen overnight either. By the time the Internet rolled around in the 90’s, there was still a mass percentage of the world that still had yet to lay eyes on, let alone touch, a computer. My father was, at the

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