
Analysis Of George S. Patton

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George S. Patton was a U.S. Army General, who was know for his grit and toughness. The kind of guy who was known for pouring his heart and soul into everything he did. He was a man of many—even self-contradictory—ways: He was a noted horseman and polo player, a well-known champion swordsman, and a competent sailor and sportsman … an amateur poet… a rough and tough soldier… a thoughtful and sentimental man. Unpredictable in his actions, yet always dependable… outgoing, yet introverted.” (Charles M. Province)
He was also well known for his controversy and ability to rally the troops. His speech to the third army was given June 5th, 1944 which was the eve of the allied invasion of Europe. It was a chance for Patton to shine as a general.He knew he would have to construct a speech for which listeners and future readers would be struck by his harsh style, while incorporating his unstinting dependence of profanity. But we must not be led to believe that Patton had not carefully rehearsed every word, chosen precisely for its desired persuasive effect. Patton 's address to the Third Army repays attentive examination, and, when the problems it is designed to address are identified, its brilliance and influence will become apparent. Yet, raising soldier’s moral raises a challenge: should a speech be a formal, incorporating articulate words and sentence structure, or should it be vulgar and rife with profanities? Patton begins the speech by mentioning how much Americans

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