
Analysis Of Khmer Rouge By Vann Nath

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This is another painting created by Vann Nath, representing the torture by Khmer Rouge on displays in Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum or S. This is the the example of obeying the unspoken rules of portraying the genocide. Khmer Rouge, which was also known as The Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK), took control of Cambodia on April 17, 1975 Khmer Rouge ruled the Cambodia for 3 years, 1976 to January 1979, by creating the state of Democratic Kampuchea in 1976. This Communist Party of Kampuchea was existed secret until 1977, and nobody who isn’t involved in this party knew the leader of the CPK (the leaders called themselves “Angkar Padevat”). While the Khmer Rouge was leading the Cambodia, they lead reign of terror which is policies that disregarded

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