
Essay about The Khmer Rouge

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Power and Control: The Khmer Rouge

There are many genocides that people are not aware of. One of them is the attempted genocide carried out by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge was able to gain power and remain in control of Cambodia for years without interference because they isolated the country from any foreign influence. Other countries had no idea what was happening inside Cambodia until years later. The Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot, wanted to create their own ideal communist society. So how did The Khmer Rouge gain so much power and control? Some argue that Pol Pot was the only one responsible for the power and control gained by the Khmer Rouge. On the other hand, others say that the notion of social hierarchy was …show more content…

Some say that Pol Pot was responsible for the power and control of Cambodia because “Pol Pot cut Cambodia off from the world. He banned foreign and minority languages and attacked the neighboring countries of Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand in an attempt to regain ancient ‘lost territory’” (The life of Pol Pot- Cambodia 4). This statement is true because the Khmer Rouge did gain part of their power by isolating the country, but Pol Pot is not fully responsible for that. There were other people involved, like Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Son Sen and Khieu Samphan all of these people were also leaders in the Khmer Rouge. Nuon Chea was the second leader in the Khmer Rouge he is known as “The evil genius of the movement” (Chandler 1), because he is the one who was in charge of the prison system. He was one of the one’s with a heartless mind, planning tortures and executing innocent people. There was also Ieng Sary who was the one responsible for the deaths of many intellectuals who were supposed to be re-trained at a camp, but instead were killed (Chandler 2). Sary was also a cold blooded man who contributed in The Khmer Rouge, killing intellectuals thinking they were prone to exploit others. Sary is another accomplice of the Khmer Rouge who helped gain power. Son Sen was the prime minister of the Khmer Rouge he was also in charge of S-21 which was a jail. Sen was killed in 1997 by Pol Pot for participating in a peace process

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