
Adolf Hitler And Pol Pot

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There have been many cases of mass genocide in history. One such case was Adolf Hitler was a dictator who was leader of the Nazi party in Germany. The Nazis committed a mass genocide of the Jewish people, and anyone else who they didn't see to be “perfect”. Hitler's goal was to reform Germany into a utopian, or perfect society. Similar is a Cambodian man called Pol Pot, who also committed a mass genocide in order to make the perfect society. He lead the communist group in Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge using the people's fear and easily given trust. While the public's opinion of Pol Pot and the goals and impacts of the movement is important to know about, his overall life is more important to know about because it shaped his character which would cause the Cambodian genocide. Pol Pot had a privileged way of growing up compared to other Cambodians, which led him to think that he was superior to others. He was able to quickly gain power due to the people's already bad feelings towards the previous government. With that power Pol Pot made a lot of choices that would forever impact Cambodia, such as a mass genocide.

Pol Pot had a better time growing up in Cambodia than most, and was known for liking sports and the arts. He was born in 1925 to a Buddhist family, and followed all of the Buddhist traditions along with his family (Cohen,Warren). His family was rice farmers and were poor, but had rich and powerful connections. Through these connections Pol Pot was able to travel to

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