
Analysis Of Mary Shelley 's Frankenstein Essay

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Driven by an uncontrollable longing to create life, Frankenstein isolates himself from the people in his life who matter the most. Victor acknowledges the evil in his deeds and the unnatural nature of his desires, but succumbs to what he views as his destiny. In this, he abandons his conscience and his human ability to reason. He seeks not human companionship, but thrives in his solitude where none can remind him of his irresponsibility and selfishness. This inability to reason exposes his selfish and cruel nature while the monster who seeks for a taste of acknowledgment is able to present a much more reasonable understandings. In Mary Shelley 's Frankenstein, in the content of pages 102-103, both the creator and creation have an animated discussion and argument where Victor 's inability to reason is displayed. Victor Frankenstein 's sole focus is on himself and it blinds him to the ability to be reasonable or take responsibility for his creation as well as exhibits how the Creature at times displays more maturity, rationality, or human qualities than his creator.
Essentially, the Creature is given no opportunity to become a functioning unit of society because he is given no insight into surviving as a human, aside from what he is able to gather through observation. This lack of insight is contributed to the way Victor disregards his own creation; leaving him to defend himself in a curious world who is at times seemingly ignorant of his existence. In the course of the

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