
Analysis: Why College Athletes Should Not Be Paid

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Judy Rose, Director of Athletics at the University of North Carolina, stated, “I don’t think athletes are being exploited. I think there’s a symbiotic relationship there. Without the university platform for them to compete, there is no exposure for them.” College athletes everywhere are fighting for a paycheck when they should be more appreciative of the advantages they are given through playing college sports. While student athletes put a lot of time and work into their sport, college athletes should not be paid because players will be able to go to the professionals and be paid if they are good enough, it would be hard to determine how much each athlete should be paid, and they will be rewarded with an education at a good college. These athletes …show more content…

The best college athletes will be talked about more in the media, giving them a better chance of playing professional sports. In her article, College athletes shouldn’t be paid, Kieran McCauley talks about how there are many college athletes that are talented enough to be playing at a D1 school, but they aren’t good enough to play for money. If they are really good enough to be paid they should be able to play professionally after college. These athletes that do get to the professionals will be able to make millions of dollars a year, which should be more than enough to make up for their time playing in college without a …show more content…

James L. Shulman and William G. Bowen said in their article College Athletes Should Not Be Paid Because a College Education Is Valuable, “Sometimes athletes do not appreciate the educational opportunities they are given, particularly if they view the college experience merely as an opportunity to prepare to play in a professional sports league.” College athletes need to realize how valuable the education they are provided with really is. The median athletic scholarship given to a football player at a D1 school is $27,923 (Scott Bordow). That will help the athlete and their family by preventing them from having to find a way to pay for college. The average amount of debt that someone has after leaving a four-year public college is $32,528. College athletes don’t have some huge debt waiting for them after college. I’m sure any of these people would have been willing to represent their school by playing a sport without any complaints about not being paid if it took away their debt. (College athletes shouldn’t be paid by Kieran McCauley). In his article Shouts From The Stands: Why The NCAA Shouldn't Pay Athletes, Davis Malone said, “The chances of making a professional sports team is so unlikely that athletes should appreciate and take advantage of the free education and services they are offered.” Malone also stated, “Degrees are more valuable

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