
Andrew Kokoraleis

Decent Essays

Capital punishment is the same as the death penalty. When a person commits such a cruel crime such as murder, their punishment may just be their life getting taken. Not all states believe in capital punishment. The last execution in Illinois was Andrew Kokoraleis, for the murder of Lorraine Ann Borowski. For each death penalty case there is a large price tag that comes with it. So when you hear people say why dont we just kill him/her. Well that is because a death penalty case cost on average 1 million dollars more then a similar case,when death penalty is not the punishment chosen. “They will get out of jail and just keep on killing, its not something you cant stop it ("Is the death penalty").
Capital punishment, or the death penalty are one of the more cruel punishments debating which form is used. Deciding whether it is fair or not is up to each individual, the person who is being punished took another persons life, sometime multiple people so isnt it fair? Thats a debatable question under certain circumstances. 59% of people say yes it is fair, 41% say it is not “some people are just truly evil and don't deserve to live anymore("Is the death penalty"). Only one out of every 300 murders result in the death penalty. most people say they will risk it and live for free for the rest of their lives. If the death penalty was used more …show more content…

But just because they have nothing to lose it doesnt mean they will just kill random people for no reason. Capital punishment could be considered cruel under different circumstances. Like if someone stole a car and got put on death row, then in that case it would be cruel. But on the other hand if someone brutally murders and mollest a child or even a grown person then the death penalty is not cruel and then in that case it would be unfair if he was able to continue to

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