
Ap Biology Chapter 4 Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Max Josef
NSD 225

1. Starch and fiber are both made of glucose but fiber moves through the small intestine undigested since we cannot digest it due to the lack of the correct enzyme and starch is broken down into glucose.
2. Pectin is a functional fiber and it helps with the breakdown of fruit by helping to break down the monosaccharides and acting as a hardening material to help fruit keep its shape.
3. Consuming too many carbs can lead to low other nutrient intake, excess energy, dental carries, weight gain and hyperglycemia.
4. Eating too few carbs can lead to hypoglycemia, ketosis, excessive intake of other nutrients and weight gain.
5. Consuming too much fiber can cause the hardening of stool, …show more content…

Carbs are found in in grains, fruits and vegetables such as wheat, corn, rice and cassava.
7. The branched chain structure of glycogen provides many units for enzymes to attach to making it easier to breakdown, speeding up the process and allowing for the more immediate release of glucose.
8. After we eat, our bodies release insulin, a hormone that offsets an increase in blood glucose by increasing the intake of glucose by cells. When people have consumed little to no nutrients for several hours, our bodies secrete glucagon. Glucagon helps maintain the homeostasis of glucose by stimulating the breakdown of storage glycogen and the secretion of glucose to the blood and rest of the body.
9. Monosaccharide are made up of one sugar unit, disaccharides are made of two sugar units, polysaccharides are long chains of sugar units.
10. If you are trying to lose weight and you eat 225 grams of carbs while on a 1,200-calorie diet, you are eating 75% of your total calorie intake in carbs which is 10-30% higher than the daily recommended value. This is going to cause you to gain weight and have high blood sugar.

1. Most beer is up to 5-6% alcohol with craft beers containing 8-9% alcohol, wine is 8–14% alcohol, and liquor is typically 35–45% …show more content…

Alcohol breakdown takes place in the liver.

4. A hangover is caused by dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, GI disturbances, low blood sugar, sleep and biological rhythm disturbances, and other potentially non-alcohol related factors. Complex carbs, sleep, non-alcoholic and non-caffinated beverages, vitamin B, aspirin, antacids can all help with treating a hangover.
5. Age, race, gender, and body size

6. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol syndrome. The severely effected victims of the syndrome have a variety of congenital defects: mental retardation, coordination problems, and heart, eye, and genitourinary malformations, as well as low birth weight and slowed growth rate. Most apparent are characteristic facial abnormalities.

7. Positive: Helpful effects of alcohol: Raises protective HDL cholesterol levels, May inhibit formation of blood clots, Stress relief and relaxation, Protection against heart disease Negative: Addiction, Accidents and violence, Birth defects, Emotional and social problems, Cardiomyopathy, Brain effects (acute and long term), Liver disease, Gastritis, Pancreatitis, Cancer, Anemia, Osteoporosis, Peripheral neuropathy


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