
Apush Dbq Research Paper

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Lincoln’s plan in 1863 involved issuing Ten- Percent Plan, to offer amnesty to any southerner if they would proclaim their loyalty to the Union and also supported the emancipation of the slaves. If ten percent of the state’s voters in the election of 1860 took this oath to the United States only then could they develop a new state government required to abolish slavery. After this then the state could reenter into the Union with complete privileges such as crucial apportionment to the Senate and House of Representatives (Schultz, n.d). However Republicans within Congress wanted to punish the South so they passed the Wade-Davis Bill which required fifty percent instead of ten percent taking an oath of loyalty. Also if southerners wanted to serve in the constitutional convention or earn the right to vote they would also have to take a second oath called the iron-clad oath which stated they had never …show more content…

Included in these acts were the Civil Rights Act of 1866, the act for creating the Freedmen’s Bureau, along with several Reconstruction Acts. These Reconstruction Acts put together military rule over the Southern states until the new governments could be put together. Also these acts limited some of the former Confederate officials’ and some military officers’ to run for public office or their rights to vote (Civil war and reconstruction, reconstruction and rights, n.d.). The former male slaves were given the right to hold public office and the right to vote by the Reconstruction acts. Two amendments to the Constitution were passed by Congress. The Fourteenth Amendment protected citizens from state laws that were discriminatory and made African-Americans citizens. Before being readmitted to the union the southern states must ratify the Fourteenth Amendment. The African American men were ensured the right to vote by the Fifteenth

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