
Archetypal Analysis : American Sniper

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American Sniper: An Archetypal Analysis The movie American sniper is produced by Bradley Cooper, Clint Eastwood, Peter Morgan, Robert Lorenz, Andrew Lazar. American Sniper was released in 2014, and America feels sympathy for this unfortunately true story. American sniper is about a Navy S.E.A.L, Chris Kyle, who is played by award winning Bradley Cooper. Chris Kyles is a confirmed sniper legend, taking on four tours in Iraq to protect his comrades. He faces much internal conflict in this time period. He also faces conflict with his wife, Taya. In the end, Chris Kyle is shot by another veteran while helping him cope with his mental illness. TRANSISTION STATEMENT.TRANSISTION STATEMENT. TRANSISTION STATEMENT.American sniper portrays a variety …show more content…

Chris Kyle never cracked in this situation. His determination makes him a great protector over his comrades and America. Chris Kyle depicts the rebel archetype as well. Chris rebels in many ways in his life during the movie. The Character Therapist says, “Rules might never be broken without the Rebel. They are outrageous, outspoken and radical in a cutting-edge way many of wish we were.” This quote relates to Chris’s actions during one of his tours to Iraq. In the movie, Chris Kyle is stationed on top of buildings with the duty to be a sniper, which he does best. One day, he decided to join his comrades on ground because he felt as if he wasn’t doing enough up top. He heard of the ground men dying more often and wanted to help. So, he rebelled against his mission. He also rebels against his wife, Taya Kyle. Taya is tired of Chris never being home. She is so lonely without him, so she tries to make him stay by threatening their relationship. But he rebels against their marriage and leaves anyway. Chris Kyle rebels in various ways throughout the movie. The most dominant archetype Chris Kyle portrays is the Hero. He is a hero to his kids, comrades, and to America. The website Informa states, “Nemesis characters co-exist with the main antagonist in the overall plotline, challenge the protagonist”. This quote means that the hero is the protagonist and

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