
Examples Of Courage In American Sniper

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Courage in American Sniper The dangers frequently endured by soldiers fighting for the United States is immense. Hundreds of men and women are killed daily by terrorists. Many soldiers give up their dreams to fight for their country because they feel endangered every day by extremist groups and other terrorists. The movie American Sniper is based off of the true story of Chris Kyle and his efforts to protect his country. Throughout the movie, Chris Kyle’s struggles demonstrate that war may build courage but also leads to emotional issues. Chris Kyle’s decision to give up his dreams as a cowboy in Texas and become a Navy SEAL is courageous and leads to an emotional downfall before he leaves for war. Chris learned how to shoot and hunt animals at a young age. Never did he know that he would be fighting in a war in a foreign country. Chris’s dream since a young child was to become a cowboy, however he was fully capable of being a soldier, specifically a sniper. He is visiting a bar that he goes to often when he meets a young woman. He decides to talk to her, and they quickly become friends. Shortly after, he marries her and has a child with her. Chris does not want to leave his new family behind, however he must make the decision to live and grow with his family at home while fulfilling his dream, or join the Navy as a sniper and protect his …show more content…

Chris states that his only regret was that he did not save even more people. The movie American Sniper is an accurate representation of when you put your mind to doing something, great things will come out of it. Chris shows exactly that throughout this movie, because even though being a Navy SEAL was not his first choice, he put his mind to it and did great things. Courage of the United States soldiers from all branches is the greatest in the world and it shows throughout their

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