
Are Labor Unions Still Necessary

Decent Essays

Are Labor Unions Still Necessary First some disclosure about myself: my mother was a strong union member for General Motors for over 32 years where she held several different offices in the union. My stepfather was a member of the local iron workers union and then a member of the union at Tinker Field Airbase. When I got out of high school I worked at General Motors wishing I could join the union. Within a year of being out of school I hired on the fire department and joined their local union where I was a member for over 22 years. Needless to say I have a long history with labor unions and the benefits they provide. I know unions have done great things for our nation and have been a counterbalance to greedy companies that take advantage of …show more content…

President Roosevelt was pro-union and with the help of congress they enacted the National Industrial Recovery Act in 1933 combined with the New Deal collective bargaining legislation brought the great mass production industries within striking distance. With unions having the backing of the government and the laborers pulling together, working as one, they were able to negotiate with their employers to rectify the issues they were having. They were able to demand better wages and safe working conditions for everyone they represented. They had power in numbers and had the ability to strike. If a union went on strike they could cause insurmountable damage to a company. Companies could lose millions of dollars in a short amount of time. The immediate loss of money may not compare to the damage of their companies name and image if the union got the public on their side. If the unions made the public aware of bad things that were happening it could have irreversible effects that they may never …show more content…

They have gone from one extreme to another. The unions are trying to run companies instead of protecting their members. A lot of the time they protect members that don’t deserve to be protected. They must protect the ones who have been treated wrong, not the ones who are doing wrong. Unions use to promote the fact that when you buy something union made you was buying the best. They took pride in their work and the products they produced. Now they don’t support the same principles. Union presidents should be the best employee, leading by example and setting the standard for the rest of the members. Today a lot of union presidents are the laziest employees hiding behind their union protection so they don’t have to perform their jobs to a satisfactory level. Like everything in life there needs to be balance. If we only had one political party running the country we would be completely on the left side or the right. I don’t want unions to go away but I do hope they see the big picture and take pride in their work like they once did. They must be satisfied with what is fair, not always fighting for more than they deserve until they price themselves out of

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