
Argumentative Effect On Teenage Pregnancy

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Two pink lines appearing on a simple plastic stick can change your life forever. A woman's mind is capable of processing more that one emotion at a time. When she sees those two pink lines she is without a doubt processing all of the emotions known to man. The initial reaction is based largely on whether or not this was in fact a planned pregnancy.. Moreover, the age of the women, relationship she has with the significant other, her overall financial status, and wellbeing in general.

To find out you are pregnant as a teenager can affect your life dramatically. Some teenagers have chosen to have a child at such a young age as a way to fulfill a psychological desire to always have someone there to love them. Commonly with these teens in particular their home life may have been less that perfect and their parents were frequently noted to be teenage parents themselves. The appear to want to live vicariously through the child allowing them to maintain the hope that their children will be better taken care of than they had been as child.
On the other hand some teens have gotten pregnant out of error and neglect. These teenagers in particular have been known to be rebelling in some sense and are trying to shed their childhood bonds. Acting out sexual behaviors offers the opportunity to be engaging in what seems like “adult” behavior. In an interesting way, having sexual relations irresponsibly allows them to feel like a child because they did not “Plan for

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