
Teen Pregnancy and Its Effects on Education

Decent Essays

Teen pregnancy is an epidemic that has swept our nation for many years. It can alter the lives of teenagers in extreme measures. It is almost normal to see a teenager with a baby in today’s society. Getting pregnant while you’re a teen will definitely cause you to have to change your life style to accompany a child. This could mean not going to school or potentially dropping out of school permanently. Teen pregnancy will have a negative effect on the education of the teenager because it will force them to be committed full time to the concerns and needs of the child.
One of the major concerns of having a child or becoming a parent is to do so when you're old and mature enough to take on the responsibility. One of the problems in today's …show more content…

She does have a child support case open on him but it does not help when it comes to having to take care of him. She is all alone making her have to provide for the baby on her on. She has given her son 3 birthday parties and 3 Christmas’ on her own. If she would have at least graduated she would have her diploma and could be working on her degree to provide a better life for her and her son. Dealing with the responsibility of being a parent is one of the hardest tasks to take on. Becoming a parent involves emotion, compassion, dedication, strength, knowledge, protectiveness, and being able to financially support the child. All these seem to outweigh the importance of school. It is a possibility that the teenagers see the crisis of being pregnant something that needs to be dealt with immediately and place school in the back of their minds. The problem is when they put school off they never seem to think about going back until times get rough. Sometimes years go by and they realize that they are grown and their children are in school and that they never even received their diploma. Teen pregnancy is declining though. It is mostly because of the advances in birth control practices but also teenagers are realizing the potential harm having a baby can do to their future. More teens have seen their older sibling or friends with a baby and don’t see them going out to parties or the club anymore and realize it

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