
Teen Pregnancy and Graduation Rates

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Teen pregnancy is surprisingly decreasing over the years. According to Farber, “the most recent studies have shown that there has been a decrease in the rate of pregnancies among all teenagers and among sexually active teenagers (16). Although this issue seems is decreasing this is still a problem faced by many teenage girls today. Each year, 7.5 percent of all 15-19 year old women become pregnant (Maynard 1). Not only does this issue affects the pregnant teen but it also affects the economy. Teen pregnancy affects graduation rates. Many teen mothers cite pregnancy as the key reason of them not finishing school. Only 40 percent of teen mothers finish high school (Teen Pregnancy Affects Graduation Rates). The 60 percent of teen mothers …show more content…

Whichever is the reason they both come with damaging consequences. Emotional damage can lead to far more serious problems. For instance, once a teen loses their virginity to someone they love and they break up it can cause them to feel that their life is over. There have been reports of teens that have attempted or successfully committed suicide. Sexually active teens are more than twice as likely as virgin teens to be depressed or attempt suicide (Fisanick 48). If a pregnant teen commits suicide, she is not only harming herself, but her baby as well. As a product of the teen committing suicide her life is lost and an innocent baby will never see the world.
Setting back the rate of teens having sex can also prevent the spread of STDs among adolescents. Teens involved in sexual restraint are most likely aware of the various diseases. Others that are not tend to be the victims of these countless STDs. The side benefit of abstinence is that there is no chance of contracting STDs (Mucciolo 24). The spread of STDs among teens can put them in danger and lead them to death. As of today 4 in 10 sexually active teen girls have had an STD that can cause infertility and even death (Office of Adolescent Health). Catching an STD can also cause emotional damage which as I stated before could result in suicide.
The end result of pregnant teen moms causes graduation rates to decrease. Only about two-thirds of children born to teen mothers earn a high school diploma, compared to

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