
Pregnant Teens: An Epidemiology

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Pregnant Teens: An Epidemiology Introduction: Based on the readily available images broadcast from films, MTV and other mass media, one might assume that the teen pregnancy epidemic is on the rise. In one respect, this health risk condition has rarely been more culturally visible than it is right now. However, it does bear noting that teen pregnancy has actually been on the decline in the United States over the last two decades. According to the source provided by Sheets (2012), "from 1990 to 2008, the teen pregnancy rate decreased 42 percent (from 117 to 68 pregnancies per 1,000 teen girls)." This positive trend is evidence that some of the outreach efforts to which we've committed ourselves as a public health community are working. However, these improvements should not undermine the still considerable task before this same community. Specifically, we have a responsibility to hone our efforts at identifying, understanding and reaching the populations that are most vulnerable as well as helping to reduce the adverse consequences that accompany this vulnerability. The purpose of the present epidemiology is to further the collective understanding of teen pregnancy as a current public health issue. In addition to identifying the populations and demographic subsets who are most at risk, the epidemiology will delineate some of the particular cultural characteristics of the population and outline the sociological, economic and health risks that frequently accompany the

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