
Teen Pregnancy Essay

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In the 1960s and early 1970s, more unmarried women who became pregnant decided not to get married. As more teenage mothers remained single, public concern increased. Teen pregnancies were, often presented as a medical problem to be, treated with more access to clinics, birth control and abortion. There was a shift from viewing teen pregnancy as a moral problem to that of seeing it as a psychological or health problem (Adams, 1997). When we look at influences, it is hard to say what precisely is the main pressure of teen pregnancies in the United States is. Each year, almost 750,000 teenage women, in the United States of America, ages 15 to 19 become pregnant (U.S. Teenage Pregnancy Statistics, 2006). Worldwide, rates of …show more content…

The focus of the pregnancy prevention review should be in the areas of education and training, employment and careers and financial circumstances. The advisory group prioritized these areas because they were, considered most relevant for policy intervention (EPPI-Centre). Canada is the second country that I will use to look at intervention and prevention. The studies indicate that interventions did not delay initiation of sexual intercourse in young women; use of birth control by young women at every intercourse did not improve. Four abstinence programs and one school based sex education program were associated with an increase in number of pregnancies among partners of young male participants. There were significantly fewer pregnancies in young women who received a multifaceted program, though baseline differences in this study favored intervention. Canada studies also stated primary prevention strategies evaluated to date do not delay the initiation of sexual intercourse, or improve use of birth control among young men and women, or reduce the number of pregnancies in young women. The differences and similarities, I discovered is that there are more similarities in all three countries, than differences. The one thing that stood out was that the UK and Canada acknowledge not all teen pregnancies were unintended, they actual took into consideration that some of their teens intentionally became pregnant. When all

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