
Teen Pregnancy: America's Problem?

Decent Essays

Teen Pregnancy: America’s Problem? An ongoing epidemic in the United Sates is teen pregnancy. In America, our society is run down by many problems. Most are caused by the older generation, but this problem has risen with the younger generation around the age of 15-19. The peak of the teen pregnancy trend started in 1990 when 60 teen girls out of 1,000 had a teen birth ("About Teen Pregnancy.”). For every 1,000 females in 2013, on average only 27 out of the 1,000 had gone through teen birth ("About Teen Pregnancy.”). Over the years, it seems that the trend is winding down and that less and less teens appear to becoming pregnant. In 2013, the teen pregnancy rate decreased by 10% since 2012 and 57% 1990 ("Teen Birth Rate | The National Campaign.”). …show more content…

In 2010, New Mexico led in teen pregnancies with 80/1,000 and New Hampshire had the least with 28/1,000 (per every 1,000 girls) ("New Rankings Reveal Teen Pregnancy Rates In Each State”). In America, states are listed 1-50 by which states have the least amount of pregnancies per every 1,000 girls. Now that teen pregnancy has seemed to gone down so much the rankings have changed. In 2013, the leading state for teen pregnancies went to Arkansas and the state with the lowest pregnancies went to Massachusetts. Arkansas had about 46/1,000 pregnancies and Massachusetts had 12/1,000 ("Teen Birth Rate | The National Campaign”). In 2010, Connecticut came in 39th with 44/1,000 and in 2013 48th with just about 13 pregnancies (”New Rankings Reveal Teen Pregnancy Rates In Each State”). In Connecticut in 2013, there were 1,606 teen births and there was a 68% decrease in birth rate since 1990-91 ("Teen Birth Rate | The National Campaign”). But in Arkansas in 2013, for example, there were 4,155 teen births ("Teen Birth Rate | The National Campaign.”). It appears that the more south you go teen pregnancies seem to increase. But even though the numbers are so high, they were even higher back in the 1990-91 which was the peak year. What has changed that caused teens to stop or slow down the pregnancy …show more content…

Showing these programs make teens take a step back and reevaluate their lives. Yes, the teens on the show become famous but it’s still a hard struggle. The viewer witnesses relationships that don’t work out, new parents that can’t see their friends as much, and money issues. All these factors are portrayed and shown to teens. As a result, teens see that’s not how they want to live their lives. These shows help the public by giving adolescents real life examples of what happens to people going through teen

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